Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Sting and his lute

I can't say I'm not worried about this, but it just might work. It seems that Sting has decided to release an album of songs by the English lutenist/composer John Dowland. I'm a big Sting fan, and while I'm not expecting any historically acccurate performance practice, it will certainly be worth a listen. We'll know for sure when it's released in October. Now all we need is Paul O'Dette Plays The Police.

Guardian Unlimited Arts | Arts news | Gift of a lute makes Sting party like it's 1599

1 comment:

[insert name here] said...

Hello Mister! ^_^' i dunno anyone on this blog...so im talking to random ppl and hoping to make a buddy or two....i like sting too.hes a brilliant person/musician.